First Devlog - Follow along with the alpha!

Dungon Typer (codename)

Here goes nothing. Gonna try completely open book game dev, we'll see how it goes.

This is a prototype of a game I had a while ago. A dungeon crawling typing game. I like the possibility space of the game so I think I'm going to roll with it and see how far it goes.

Nothing is set in stone right now. So I welcome any and all feedback. There are a few ideas within this that I'm more attached to than others. Like I'd like to keep it FPS and I like the large room grid layouts. Although nothing is 100%, and if those things aren't working then they're gone. 

Ultimately the game is going to be rouge-like-ish. Which most of my ideas seem to be haha.

The main loop involves going through the dungeons and collecting gold which you can use to buy upgrades to your stats. Right now that's just walk amount/ damage. The spells would be learned through finding scrolls in the game.

I think I'd like some sort of decision point at the beginning of the game where you have to select which spell you're going to use or something like that. ala Rougelegacy.

My Current plan for the Alphas.

Two turn system2 New spells
Store game loop (upgrades)
Levels that have blocking arch.
Movement phase
2 New enemiesItems?
Attack Phase with one attack
Sheild spell (slight tech refactor needed)


Things that Need Fixing:

Cant See enemy attacks when not facing them. May uncover larger issues around the design choice of having a large open grid in the first person.

  • Maybe the turn ui needs to stay up and the list of commands is duplicated above the enemy icons?
  • Ability to mouse look when entering your attacks?

Attack turns can have no actions possible. This is kinda boring and breaks the flow

  • maybe add some kind of charging effects so at least you can do something?
  • Add some kind of repositioning spell? Teleport or something?

Turn Order is waay to important. It's hard to even kill anything if you're the one moving first

  • Maybe add a spell that sacrifices your attack turn to make you go last?
  • Tie the turn order to the difficulty. Slowly ramp it down/up behind the scenes and that is what determines where you fall in the turn order. (Right now it's random each turn)

Files Play in browser
Jul 25, 2019

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