Alpha 3... yes I typoed ESC

Alpha 003 is here, and there's lots of changes. 

I added 2 new enemy types.

The first is Mega Skull. They have a charge attack that moves like a rook in chess, if you get in the way of it you will receive 2 damage. Right now that is a killing blow so watch out.

The second is the Skull Archer. They will try to move to the same x or y coord as you and can shoot an arrow 3 (or 4 I can't recall) spaces. They also get to move 3 spaces on their turn. However their arrows are non discriminatory, as in they will hurt other enemies. Maybe you can use that to your advantage?

Another big change is that I've overhauled the spell system. Before you had to just remember which spell to type, which seemed like people didn't like that. It also didn't really fit well with the typing mechanic, in that most typing games change up the words that you're supposed to type. So I changed the spell system to have an on screen indicator with spell slots of your spells. The spells will change each time you type them to a limited set of words. 

I think what I'll end up doing when the bigger game loop gets put in is to have a decision point where you select the spells you want to use and place them into your limited spell slots. There will be trade offs with each (length of word, power of spell, mana cost, etc). I think that will provide some interesting strategic points. 

The other new part of the spell system is the Mana. All spells now cost Mana (exception being the recharge spell) and you need enough to cast a spell. This does two things. I think it adds another layer to the combat as you now have to manage your mana and balance that with attacking, and it also provides something to do on turns where no combat is possible. Let me know what you think, because the UI might need some work also. 

Lastly I added a mini map. You can press tab to see an overhead view of where units are. I think this will help with the offscreen moves, but I'm going to still look into a mouse look or something so you can see with the first person view.

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Aug 02, 2019

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